The Outsiders movie and book had many similarities and differences, I will be talking about there similarities. One similarity is that when Cherry asks Ponyboy about Darry he still gives her the same response and Johnny says the same thing back. Another similarity they have is Cherry still asks Ponyboy not to take it personally when she doesn't talk to him at school and asks him to not talk still. Also Bob still dies at the hands of Johnny because he wanted to save Ponyboy from drowning to death. Ponyboy still tells Johnny the Stay Gold poem while they look at the sunset in both the book and film. Those are the some of the similarities between The Outsiders book and movie.
The Outsiders also has many differences between the book and movie. One of the differences is that Dallas is a brunette in the film while in the book he is a blonde. Another differences is that in the book Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit go to the lot after the girls get picked up, but isn't the movie they get to the front of Johnny's house and only Johnny and Ponyboy end up going to the lot. Also in the book Ponyboy gets slapped by Darry which causes him to run away in the film Ponyboy gets pushed down by Darry which cause him to run away. These are the differences between the film and the book The Outsiders.
The director of the film could have tried harder to see that they follow the book. Also the director could have hired actors who looked more like the characters or used dye or makeup to help. Johnnys actor could have been a bit more shy and scared while acting like the book character. Also the director should have made sure that the scene involving Ponyboy and Darry should have followed the book exactly because it was an important part of the book and the shouldn't have changed that. Also Dallas could have showed his sadness towards Johnny's death a bit better and his death could have been better placed. Those are some of the things that I think the director and actors could have done to make the film better.
The outsiders is awesome! Great post 👌🏼