I have recently finished reading a fiction novel called Somebody Up There Hates You, which was written by Hollis Seamon. The book follows Richard who will have to spend the rest of his life in hospice because he is dying of cancer. Richard is only 17 which makes everyone around him sad when he mentions the fact he is dying. Although cross the hall in the hospice is Sylvia, she also is on her death bed and is even younger than Richard by 3 years. They both might be dying but they have big plans ideas they hope they can accomplish, but Sylvia is the only one out of the two who thinks she can accomplish them. While Richard is just fine with dying young and doesn’t see what his actions to or what’s going on around them. As you read the book you ask tons of questions like what do these two do and what happned on Halloween and many more, the real question is will you read to find out?
I like this book because it reminded me that no matter what is going on you are still human and will make mistakes. Richard and Slyias relationship made me react in so many different ways I loved how they are so sweet with one another, but what they do is so risking for the both of them, which makes me so mad. Overall it might be only around 200 pages, but it was an amazing read that I would recommended to someone who can deal with getting mad at characters and just love a good read.
What a great theme you touched on here. Thanks for sharing your interesting thoughts!